
Diane Matar (PhD Candidate, year 4) publishes a case-study

May 15, 2015

Diane Matar (PhD Candidate, year 4) publishes a case-study on Resilient people, resilient nature: Protected Area Management Effectiveness in Lebanon in the first international e-book on Protected Areas Governance and Management. The case-study presents and discusses efforts in Lebanese Biosphere Reserves - Jabal Moussa and Shouf - to meet the international standards of management and evaluation.

CEU Water Day 2015

April 17, 2015

Prof. Brandon Anthony Publishes Assessment of Siberian Protected Areas

April 14, 2015

Environmental Sciences and Policy faculty member Brandon Anthony, in collaboration with Elena Shestackova from Taurida National V.I.

Dr. Viktor Lagutov Appointed Facilitator to Eye on Earth Working Group

March 31, 2015

Dr. Viktor Lagutov, head of the Environmental Systems Laboratory at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at CEU, has recently been appointed the Facilitator of the Eye on Water Security Special Initiative. This timely appointment coincides with UN’s World Water Day, a worldwide event showcasing the importance of this vital resource.

UNOOSA / UN-SPIDER Announces Support of ISEPEI Summer Courses

March 26, 2015

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and their UN-SPIDER Program (Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response) have announced their support of the two 2015 summer university courses being run by Dr. Viktor Lagutov through the ISEPEI Project: