Working Experience:
- Research Associate, Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Advisor to Hungarian Nature Conservation Institute, Budapest, Hungary
- Watershed Planning Technician and Park Supervisor/Biologist with Otonabee Region Conservation Authority, Peterborough, Canada
- Agricultural Habitat Biologist with Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Peterborough, Canada
Research Interests:
- Human-wildlife conflict
- Protected area management effectiveness and its evaluation
- Remote & rural communities and the environment
- Social impacts of protected areas (particularly in emerging democracies and developing countries)
- Amphibian ecology and monitoring
Office Hours:
By appointment via e-mail or walk in when door is open
PhD (2006), Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University. Dissertation title: A view from the other side of the fence: Tsonga communities and the Kruger National Park, South Africa
MSc (1998), Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University. Thesis Title: The use of amphibian road call counts in monitoring Anuran bio-indicators: a case study of Körös-Maros National Park, Hungary
BSc (1987), Biology, Trent University, Canada