Brandon P. Anthony

Special Note: 
On sabbatical 24/25AY

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+36 1 327 3000 x2007

Working Experience:

  • Research Associate, Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • Advisor to Hungarian Nature Conservation Institute, Budapest, Hungary
  • Watershed Planning Technician and Park Supervisor/Biologist with Otonabee Region Conservation Authority, Peterborough, Canada
  • Agricultural Habitat Biologist with Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Peterborough, Canada

Research Interests:

  • Human-wildlife conflict
  • Protected area management effectiveness and its evaluation
  • Remote & rural communities and the environment
  • Social impacts of protected areas (particularly in emerging democracies and developing countries)
  • Amphibian ecology and monitoring

Office Hours:

By appointment via e-mail or walk in when door is open


PhD (2006), Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University. Dissertation title: A view from the other side of the fence: Tsonga communities and the Kruger National Park, South Africa
MSc (1998), Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University. Thesis Title: The use of amphibian road call counts in monitoring Anuran bio-indicators: a case study of Körös-Maros National Park, Hungary
BSc (1987), Biology, Trent University, Canada

Publications List

Projects with involvement of Brandon P. Anthony

Management effectiveness evaluation in the Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere Reserve
Predation induced livestock loss adjacent to the Kruger National Park – monitoring the scale, scope and the impact of compensation
Elephant Identification Study
Monitoring and evaluating the KNP/SANParks livestock damage compensation scheme against set objectives within a strategic adaptive management framework
Management effectiveness of protected areas in the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, Russia
RESILIM-O: Resilience in the Limpopo Basin Program - Olifants
Governance of Global Environmental Change: Towards a multidisciplinary discussion in tertiary environmental education in former USSR and Mongolia
EnGo - Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula
People And Large Carnivores In The Romanian Carpathians - Conflict And Coexistence
‘Tools2: A Year in the Life’: Community health and wellness indicators reflecting daily life in Saskatchewan's isolated far North: Implications for Program Planning and Evaluation
Improvement of education on environmental management
Investigating the incidence of damage-causing animals from Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve (Malawi) and consequences on rural livelihoods
Monitor 2000 - amphibian monitoring & education project
The value of local biodiversity to communities in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea
Strengthening Romania’s Protected Area System by Demonstrating Best Practices for Management of Small Protected Areas: Conservation attitudes in the communities neighbouring the Măcin Mountains National Park
Midwest Uranium Project EIS Review (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Sustainable Water Resources Management in Malawi: Lessons for Effective Water Governance
Athabasca Land Use Plan (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Conservation attitudes of local people: the case of the Macin Mountains National Park, Romania
First Nation’s Health Development: Tools for Assessment of Health and Social Service Program Impacts on Community Wellness and Capacity (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Global Amphibian Assessment
A view from the other side of the fence: Tsonga communities and the Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Elephant Management - A Scientific Assessment for South Africa