
Storytelling at “Talking maps"

January 29, 2019

Syslab's Spatial Mapping and Analysis Research Group (SMARG) and CEU University Wide Course "Introduction to Geospatial Data Visualization" have jointly organized the graduate conference “Talking Maps” on January 11th, 2019.

Global Sustainability Summer School, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, July 15-26, 2019

January 16, 2019

The Global Sustainability Summer School (GSSS) organized by the Santa Fe Institute  and the University of Chicago Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation is available for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, earlycareer scientists, policymakers, non-profit and business professionals and offers an intensive 2-week program on urban sustainability.

Make our planet green again: FAMAE Competition Water Challenge Precious Water!

January 3, 2019

FAMAE launched its second international innovation competition dedicated to water: PRECIOUS WATER!

This EUR 2.000.000 water challenge is one of the most ambitious in the world, open to students, researchers, professors, SMEs, startups, NGOs and associations.

Its objective is to develop simple, innovative and concrete solutions to preserve water, make it cleaner and accessible to everyone, all over the world.

Application deadline February 15, 2019. 
Apply now!

How did CEU become #MyCEU? Meet our PhD alumna Mariann Molnár

"A PhD at CEU was exactly what I needed: time, excellent facilities, inspiring courses, the help of committed academics and the friendship of fellow students.. All of these enabled me to pursue my dreams...." (Mariann Molnar, PhD alumna)