
Methodology to measure threats to biodiversity

Yet another important publication co-authored by our Associate Professor Brandon P. Anthony, former student Luna Milatovic (MESP 16/17) and MESPOM Associated Partner, Anthony Swemmer (South African Environmental Observation Network/SAEON) is now out in Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science!

Prof. Brandon P. Anthony leads innovative training on rapid assessments of wetlands for Ramsar site managers in Central Asia

June 24, 2019
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy Associate Professor Brandon P. Anthony recently lead a special training workshop on conducting rapid ecological, and ecosystem service, assessments of Ramsar wetlands in Central Asia. Prof. Anthony worked with the Ramsar Regional Initiative for Central Asia (RRI-CA) and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) to offer a two-day training workshop for Ramsar site managers and other government officials from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. 
Rapid wetland assessments are being promoted by the Ramsar Convention (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) as a means for countries to design a simple and rapid site assessment system that does not rely on detailed, quantitative assessments, and encourages input from traditional and/or indigenous groups. Although not a substitute for more long-term, comprehensive assessments, rapid assessments can help establish baseline inventories and identify key ecosystem attributes that are undergoing threats. 

Tamara Steger is contributing author to the second WHO environmental health inequalities assessment report

June 24, 2019
Tamara Steger, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, is a contributing author to the second WHO environmental health inequalities assessment report that was launched on the WHO High-Level Conference on Health Equity in Ljubljana last week. 

Three 2018 publications from our professor-alumni collaborations at the department in "Principles of Environmental Policy: Local, European and Global Perspectives"

Community fora as vehicles of change? The Hlanganani Forum and Kruger National Park, South Africa 
AnthonyBrandon P., Mmethi, Helen   
Anthony, Réka [MESP 98/99]

The wolves are back!

Local attitudes towards the recently re-populated grey wolf and wolf management in Bükk National Park, Hungary

Latest proof of successful professor-student publication collaborations at the department by associate professor Brandon P. Anthony and graduate of the 2016/17 1-year Masters Program in Environmental Sciences & Policy (MESP), Katalin Tarr.