
New book on Environmental Security by Viktor Lagutov out now

December 2, 2011

Edited by Viktor Lagutov (Department of Environmental Science, CEU) a new book entitled "Environmental Security in Watersheds: The Sea of Azov" has been published by Springer Publishing.

Watersheds, supplying crucial ecosystem services to humans, seem to be a logical territorial unit to integrate societal benefits and environmental needs in order to evaluate the sustainability of natural resource use patterns.

CEU Faculty Contributing Author of New UNEP Report

November 28, 2011

Pathways to 2020 Able to Deliver the Additional 6 to 11 Gigatonne Cuts Needed to Get World onto Safe Track

Recent 3CSEP Publications and Presentations

June 10, 2011

3CSEP has been active presenting and publishing research this year. We would like to summarize some of our special projects in this short bulletin. Our most recent presentations and reports are listed below. Enjoy!

Departmental faculty publish article on managing human-wildlife conflict in South Africa

December 16, 2010

Professors Brandon Anthony and Alexios Antypas of the Department of Environmental Sciences & Policy recently published an evaluation of managing human-wildlife conflict along Kruger National Park's (South Africa) western border. The problems of wildlife escaping from the park and depredating on crops and livestock in the area has had major effects on local livelihoods and is undermining the legitimacy of conservation agencies in the area.

Fuel poverty in Hungary: research report released

March 8, 2010

Fuel poverty is an important issue for Hungary from several perspectives – it is estimated that this problem causes approximately 1500-2500 deaths in Hungary – but the topic was not widely researched in the past. On the initiative of the Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) of Central European University (CEU), and the Hungarian NGO Védegylet (Protect the Future), in cooperation with the Environmental Justice Working Group of Védegylet (Védegylet Környezeti Igazságosság Munkacsoport) some noteworthy research results have now been released.