Recent 3CSEP Publications and Presentations

June 10, 2011

3CSEP has been active presenting and publishing research this year. We would like to summarize some of our special projects in this short bulletin. Our most recent presentations and reports are listed below. Enjoy!

Recent Presentations

How much can sustainable buildings help the climate? A global building thermal energy model in the session Measuring Progress in Sustainable Building at the UNEP-SBCI Symposium on Sustainable Buildings Leverkusen,  Germany: May 24, 2011
Energy efficiency as a tool for reducing energy poverty, Keynote presentation by 3CSEP researcher and PhD candidate Sergio Tirado Herrero at the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy - Energy between Danube and the Caucasus  in Vienna, April 28, 2011."

Working Papers

Urge-Vorsatz, Diana, and Sergio Tirado-Herrero, Building synergies between climate change mitigation and energy poverty alleviation, 2011


Tirado Herrero, Sergio, and Diana Urge-Vorsatz,  Trapped in the heat: the post-communist genre of fuel poverty, 2011

Title Building synergies between climate change mitigation and energy poverty alleviation
Publication Type Working Paper
Authors Urge-Vorsatz, Diana, and Sergio Tirado-Herrero
Year 2011
Publisher The Journal Energy Policy
