PhD Program News

CEU PhD student produces energy security assessment for the International Energy Agency

January 26, 2012
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Jessica Jewell, MESPOM Alumnus and CEU PhD student, helped the International Energy Agency (IEA) develop a novel MOdel of Short-term Energy Security (MOSES). MOSES is different from most of the existing energy security studies; it combines some 30 quantitative indicators in a transparent and policy-relevant way to describe different configurations of risk factors and resilience capacities.

PhD Student, Johan Liliestam won 1st prize of the Desertec award with Saskia Ellenbeck

January 13, 2012
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PhD Student, Johan Lilliestam won 1st prize of the Desertec award with research fellow Saskia Ellenbeck

Title of the winning journal article: "Energy security and renewable electricity trade—Will Desertec make Europe vulnerable to the ‘‘energy weapon’’?

Johan Lilliestam,

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Telegrafenberg A31, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria

PhD Student Diane A. Matar wins prestigious IUCN Award for her outstanding contribution to conservation management.

January 12, 2012
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Diane A. Matar, 1st Year PhD Student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy is a top-tier winner of the IRF-WCPA Young Conservationist Award for 2011: 

Fouad Khan, ENV SCI Doctoral Student, Finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"

January 11, 2012
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Fouad Khan, 1st Year PhD Student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy.  His dissertation topic is “Scaling in Cities as an Indicator of Energy Consumption”

He was a finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"

Below is an abstract from his essay "Nani, Khidr and the Aesthetic Bias of the Universe - Why Gender Inclusion Matters" published in the book of Prize Winners and Finalists of the European Greens Essay Contest.