Fouad Khan, ENV SCI Doctoral Student, Finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"
Fouad Khan, 1st Year PhD Student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy. His dissertation topic is “Scaling in Cities as an Indicator of Energy Consumption”
He was a finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"
Below is an abstract from his essay "Nani, Khidr and the Aesthetic Bias of the Universe - Why Gender Inclusion Matters" published in the book of Prize Winners and Finalists of the European Greens Essay Contest.
"The Eid-al-Adha I sacrificed a goat to Allah for the first time in my life, my grandma told me everything I ever needed to know about gender and climate change, in one sentence.
I was thirteen. The afternoon was scorched a dull gold and there was an air of celebration in the house. As I sat down to play monopoly with my cousins before lunch, grandma, or Nani as I called her, grabbed me by the arm, took me to a side, where nobody could hear us, lowered her face close to my ears and whispered words, that at the time, sounded little more than a meaningless fairytale spell to me."