PhD Awards

PhD Student Diane A. Matar wins prestigious IUCN Award for her outstanding contribution to conservation management.

January 12, 2012
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Diane A. Matar, 1st Year PhD Student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy is a top-tier winner of the IRF-WCPA Young Conservationist Award for 2011: 

Fouad Khan, ENV SCI Doctoral Student, Finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"

January 11, 2012
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Fouad Khan, 1st Year PhD Student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy.  His dissertation topic is “Scaling in Cities as an Indicator of Energy Consumption”

He was a finalist of the European Greens Essay Contest "Women and Climate Change"

Below is an abstract from his essay "Nani, Khidr and the Aesthetic Bias of the Universe - Why Gender Inclusion Matters" published in the book of Prize Winners and Finalists of the European Greens Essay Contest.