Systems Laboratory

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The Systems Laboratory aims at enabling use of latest Information and Communication Technologies in the areas of CEU core expertise. Special attention is paid to modeling of environmental and social systems and promoting use of geospatial technologies. Syslab develops and runs the graduate courses and workshops on use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing tailored for the needs of various CEU departments and units.

Syslab also conducts regular in-service trainings for practitioners and professionals on using ICTs in various domains, such as disaster management, water security, biodiversity conservation, among others. In order to keep up with latest developments and provide participants with first hands information, Syslab cooperates with global leaders in geospatial technologies, such as UN Office for OUter Space Affairs, UN Development Program, European Comission's Joint Reserach Center, Esri, Google. See the ISEPEI Project for more details.

The Spatial Mapping and Analysis Reserach Group was launched by Syslab in 2012 to establish the platform for CEU community to cooperate on applying geospatial technologies in cross-departmental and multidisciplinary research.


June 29, 2015

With the Eye on Earth Summit ( quickly approaching, Viktor Lagutov recently attended the Fourth Summit Organizing Committee in Abu Dhabi from June 23-24, 2015 to contribute to Summit preparations and deliberate post-Summit plans and strategies.

Esri to Run GIS Water Training at CEU

May 27, 2015

For the first time in Europe, Dr. Dean DjokicEsri Water Expert and the lead Arc Hydro developer, is providing a 3-day instructor-led GIS Water commercial training course (Esri Arc Hydro) at Central European University in Budapest July 1-3, 2015.

Dr. Viktor Lagutov Appointed Facilitator to Eye on Earth Working Group

March 31, 2015

Dr. Viktor Lagutov, head of the Environmental Systems Laboratory at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at CEU, has recently been appointed the Facilitator of the Eye on Water Security Special Initiative. This timely appointment coincides with UN’s World Water Day, a worldwide event showcasing the importance of this vital resource.

Dr. Lagutov Represents CEU at Eye on Earth Summit Organizing Committee in Abu Dhabi

March 26, 2015

Dr. Viktor Lagutov represented CEU and the ISEPEI Project at the Third Meeting of the Summit Organizing Committee of the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi, from March 12-13, 2015.

UNOOSA / UN-SPIDER Announces Support of ISEPEI Summer Courses

March 26, 2015

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and their UN-SPIDER Program (Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response) have announced their support of the two 2015 summer university courses being run by Dr. Viktor Lagutov through the ISEPEI Project: