Aleh Cherp and Laszlo Pinter at the Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures Forum 2019, Denver

March 20, 2019

Scenarios Forum 2019 took place on March 11-13 at the University of Denver, Colorado.

The Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures fills the critical need for researchers from various communities to come together to share their experiences, progress, and plans. The Forum provides a key means of promoting integration across the climate modeling, integrated assessment, and impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability communities, as well as with additional research communities in the social, natural, and sustainability sciences. The Forum also aims to improve linkages among the research, assessment, and policy communities.

The goal of the Scenarios Forum is to develop scenarios to carry out research and policy analysis related to climate change and sustainability, to identify opportunities for synergies and collaboration as well as knowledge gaps for future research.

Aleh Cherp of the CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy has contributed with a panel statement at the Socio-technical dynamics of energy transitions panel. His presentation contained recent empirical analysis of renewable, nuclear and coal power in collaboration with Department’s PhD students and alumni Jessica Jewell, Vadim Vinichenko and Marta Vetier conduced in the framework of POLET (Political Economy of Energy Transitions) and other research initiatives.

In the High End Scenarios parallel session Professor Pinter talked about assessing vulnerability and developing transition pathways in response to integrated high-end RCP / SSP scenarios at the local level, based on the results of the recently ended IMPRESSIONS project. In the session on Using a Scenario Approach to Reshape the Global Debate on Infrastructure Investment Needs he discussed how climate risk can factor into the investment calculus of large scale infrastructure projects, based on recent work on hydraulic infrastructure in the Okavango basin with the Okavango Permanent Riverbasin Commission (OKACOM) and Pretoria-based Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF).

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Nature Behavioural and Social Sciences article


