Public Lecture by
Professor, Central European University and Lund University (Sweden)
The Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) was launched by the UK and Canada in November 2017 and joined by 30 countries and 22 subnational jurisdictions, which pledge to phase out coal-fired power generation without operational Carbon Capture and Storage. How much will the PPCA help to keep climate change under the dangerous levels? Is the PPCA likely to be joined by additional countries and, if so, can we predict which ones? What does the PPCA story tell us about ‘climate clubs’ and the future of global climate?
The talk will present findings of research by Prof. Cherp in collaboration with CEU PhD graduates Dr. Jessica Jewell (IIASA, Austria), Dr. Vadim Vinichenko (Bergen University, Norway) and Lola Nacke (CEU and MESPOM Masters student).
Aleh Cherp is Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU. He is the Principal Investigator of the POLitical economy of Energy Transitions (POLET) project within the ‘Energy and Society’ theme of CEU’s Intellectual Themes Initiative. He served the Convening Lead Analyst on Energy Security of the Global Energy Assessment and he currently co-leads work on political feasibility of energy transitions in Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions (ENGAGE) H2020 project.
Organized by the Energy Policy Research Group
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
and the Jean Monnet Chair in Energy and Innovation