"Student Feedback Innovation," a CEU Teaching Development Grant project, presented at the 2015 European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

June 30, 2015

Dr. Tamara Steger, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and Dr. Sally Schwager, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, attend the 2015 European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning:
Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning at the University College Cork, Cork, Ireland on June 8th and 9th.

With support from a CEU Teaching Development Grant, Prof. Steger and doctoral student Anna Varfolomeeva collaborated with Dr. Schwager to develop and implement an innovative and dynamic student feedback methodology that focuses on student learning and a reflective and adaptive teaching approach. The project is summarized in the poster presented at the conference. - See more at: http://envsci.ceu.edu/article/2015-06-30/student-feedback-innovation-ceu-teaching-development-grant-project-presented-2015#sthash.cm1h3UQ6.dpuf  

