Global Energy Security: Present Concerns and Future Scenarios

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Popper Room
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 1:30pm
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 1:30pm to 3:30pm

A presentation and a workshop

Prior registration required. Please register here by Friday 20 January 2011.

The Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG), the Center for Environment and Security (CENSE) and the Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policies (3CSEP) at Central European University invite you to a joint workshop on present and future energy security.

The workshop program includes two public presentations and a discussion session:

Part 1 (13.30-14.30). Presentations; Moderator: Prof. Andreas Goldthau, Lead Analyst (Energy Security), Global Energy Assessment (GEA)

  • Energy Security: a National Challenge in a Globalizing World by Prof. Aleh Cherp, GEA Coordinating Lead Analyst (Energy Security). What is energy security and how can it be measured and compared between countries? What are the energy security conditions and trends in the world? These questions will be answered based on the soon-to-be-released findings of the Global Energy Assessment — a comprehensive evaluation of global energy challenges and future scenarios.
  • Energy Security under Sustainable Energy Transitions by Jessica Jewell, a GEA Lead Analyst (Energy Security, Sustainable Energy Scenarios). What are the energy security implications of a low-carbon energy system? How can we evaluate and measure energy security under massive energy transformations which simultaneously meet environmental and development challenges? These questions will be answered based on Jessica’s work at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Austria) with one of the most comprehensive global energy models.

Part 2 (14.30-15.30). Formulating CEU's research priority and plan on energy security; Moderator: Prof. Alex Antypas, Director, CENSE.The open format discussion will center around identifying research themes, priorities, plans and possible organizational forms for energy security research at CEU and collaborating organizations.