Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, published a book on clean development mechanism

September 27, 2012

Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, published a book “Closing the Decade of Kyoto”. With the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and in view of current negotiations on the second round of commitments, this book provides an analysis of the evolution of the clean development mechanism (CDM) framework, with its strengths and restrictions, and trends within the world’s carbon market infrastructure. The main message is that the CDM seems to accomplish the goals set for it under the Kyoto though with a number of limitations, which need to be addressed if the CDM is to remain playing a role as a market tool within the global warming policy structure.


The book is available at


If you are not able to buy the book, yet would like to read it, please, contact Naira Harutyunyan.

