Collaborating for Rural Sustainability (CORUSUS)

2022-2024 (3 years)

Newest results; documentaries produced  by CEU MESPOM students interning at CORUSUS partners: 

Filmed by Monika Somogyi and Guilhem Chiarello Coupinot
Supervised by Associate Professor Ruslan Rahimov, Anthropology and International Development program at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA)
Editor: Ernst Calla Bettina

Conceptualized and produced by: Hedda Thomson EK, Jasmine Chakravarty, Medhini Igoor
Guided by: Prof. Wayne Twine (Wits) and Prof. Brandon P. Anthony (CEU)
Translations by: Tholaphi Khosa
Supported by: Wits Rural Knowledge Hub, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, Central European University
Both internships were completed as part of the CORUSUS initiative (2022-2024), under the 

Open Society University Network (OSUN).

Project partners:
Central European University (CEU), Project Lead: Prof. Brandon P. Anthony
University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Project Partner: Prof. Wayne Twine
American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Project Partner: Prof. Ruslan Rakhimov
American University of Beirut (AUB), Project Partner: Prof. Shadi Hamadeh


Project summary:
Rural environments are complex social-ecological systems and are explicitly linked with several Sustainable Development Goals addressing poverty, food security, and sustainable natural resource use. CORUSUS will strengthen teaching, learning and research by cultivating cooperation to address the sustainability of rural livelihoods in South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, and Lebanon, whilst bolstering the sharing of knowledge and experience between faculty and students of partner institutions.

In the first year of CORUSUS, (i) Wits faculty will deliver an Ethnoecology course at CEU, with invited AUCA faculty and students, (ii) faculty from Wits, CEU and AUB faculty will be hosted by AUCA for a rural visit, including teaching and research planning, and (iii) Wits students will attend a rural research methods workshop organized by CEU at the Wits Rural Campus, whilst selected CEU (MESPOM) students will conduct 3-4 week internships at Wits and AUCA.
The Open Society University Network (OSUN) is a global partnership of educational institutions that integrates learning and the advancement of knowledge across geographic and demographic boundaries, promotes civic engagement on behalf of open societies, and expands access to higher education for underserved communities.
OSUN is co-founded by the Central European University and Bard College and is developing its programs jointly with institutional partners and the Open Society Foundations, OSUN's main philanthropic partner.
For more information on OSUN visit the site: https://www.ceu.edu/osun