Bringing Nature to Cities: our participation on the ICLEI-Humboldt Institute webinar in the World Bank GPSC webinar series

October 15, 2021

GPSC Webinar Series: Bringing Nature to Cities. Cities Working with Nature to Improve Resilience and Urban Life

Oct 20, 2021
2:30 pm (CET)

Jennifer Lenhart
, Global Lead, WWF Cities
 (ex-CEU/MESPOM student)
Hernando García, General Director, The National Research Institute of Biodiversity “Alexander von Humboldt”, Colombia
Kobie Brand, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI
Fernando García, Head of the Biodiversity Sciences Program. The National Research Institute of Biodiversity “Alexander von Humboldt”, Colombia
Ingrid Coetzee, Director Biodiversity, Nature and Health, ICLEI
Dora Almassy, Researcher, Central European University

Dora Almassy will be covering the work with the Urban Nature Atlas with focus on how NBS can contribute to climate resilience in cities in Europe at the seminar.


The World Bank’s webinar series Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change promotes integrated urban solutions for cities to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change. Co-hosted by the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) and the Global Program on Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience, the series of thematic events provides an online knowledge exchange platform connecting policymakers, practitioners, and experts to further mainstream biodiversity considerations into cities and development projects. 
The session will illustrate how cities around the world are restoring nature back into the city to improve livability, health, sustainability, climate resilience, and overall well-being. will showcase two global programs supported by international organizations, BiodiverCities by 2030 and CitiesWithNature — RegionsWithNature, followed by a presentation of best practices. Examples will demonstrate how cities around the world are working with nature to deal with everyday urban challenges, making nature a central part of the urban landscape and helping urban communities live in harmony with the environment. These presentations will focus on urban biodiversity and sustainable economy, citizen science, climate resilience and human health and well-being (focusing on inequality and social cohesion).


Dora Almassy (Environmental Sciences and Policy Department of Central European University, Vienna, Austria).  As a researcher, she works in the intersection of environmental governance and monitoring on topics related to climate change, nature-based solutions, and the UN SDGs. She has been participating in various international research and technical assistance projects with the European Union, the Asia-Europe Foundation and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Created as part of the EU Horizon2020 Naturvation project, she has coordinated the development of the Urban Nature Atlas (a database of over 1000 projects of nature-based solutions in cities) since 2017. Dora holds a Ph.D in Environmental Sciences and Policy & MSc in Economics. 

Jennifer Lenhart - WWF’s Global Cities Lead, convening a programme which has engaged over 600 cities in 50 countries, namely via the One Planet City Challenge. She holds a PhD in urban climate governance from Wageningen University, an Erasmus Mundus MSc in Environmental Science, Policy and Management (MESPOM) from Lund University and Central European University and has over 15 years’ experience addressing urban environmental challenges via holistic approaches.  She previously worked at UN-Habitat in Nairobi, Kenya, the City of Malmö, Sweden, an urban sustainability consultancy in Seattle, USA, and hosts a blog, the Urban Observer, recognized by the Guardian Cities. She recently moved back to Stockholm from Santiago de Chile.



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