Anke Schaffartzik

Masters Programs Director
Assistant Professor

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+43 1 25230 7431

My background is in social ecology and ecological economics, with a focus on social metabolism, that is, on the resource flows (extraction, imports, and exports) and stocks required to reproduce a society. Much of my research has been on the role of trade in international material (and other) inequalities. I'm particularly interested in how societal organization, e.g., the prevailing economic system, shapes resources flows and vice versa. To me, this type of knowledge is an important precursor to finding out how we can organize better societies that not only have less impact on their environment but are also more equal and conducive to a good life for all.

I teach classes related to the concept and methods of social metabolism, ecological (macro)economics, environmental justice, and environmental sociology, as well as quantitative research methods ('working with numbers').

My passion-on-the-side is for language and the many ways in which how we communicate shapes our thinking and hence understanding of the world around us (in the vein of, e.g., ecocriticism).

Office hours

I'm usually available for meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. (online or onsite QS), by appointment. You can sign up for a meeting here or send me an email.


B.Sc., Environmental and Resource Management, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus
Mag. rer. soc. oec., Human and Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt-Vienna-Graz
PhD, Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt-Vienna-Graz
B.A., English and American Studies, University of Vienna

File Attachments

Projects with involvement of Anke Schaffartzik