
Webcast: Creating Socio-Environmental Scenarios, 20 October 2021

October 8, 2021

We would like to call the attention to the below webcast, recommended by Prof Pinter, member of the TIAS Advisory Board:

Creating Socio-Environmental Scenarios
hosted by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), the journal, Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, and The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS).

WED. 20 OCTOBER 2021, 15:00 –16:30 (EDT UTC -4)
WED. 20 OCTOBER 2021, 21:00 – 22:30 (CEST UTC +2)
THURS. 21 OCTOBER 2021, 05:00 – 06:30 (AEST UTC +10)

Why is nuclear power not used in more countries?

October 8, 2021

Nuclear power is an advanced low carbon technology that can help to reduce the risk of dangerous climate change. Yet, many countries, including those with rapidly rising greenhouse gas emissions and enormous electricity needs, have not managed to construct a single nuclear power plant. Why do some countries use nuclear power and others don't? A new paper co-authored by Aleh Cherp answers this question by analysing whether and when 70 largest countries connected their first commercial reactors.

Bringing the European Commission’s climate goals closer to EU citizens and property owners - our participation at the International Union of Property Owners Renovation Tour series in Europe

October 8, 2021

Our researcher and former doctoral student, Souran Chatterjee was invited as a speaker at the UIPI Renovation Tour series of events in Europe on 17th September, which aims to bring the European Commission’s climate goals closer to EU citizens and property owners.