
Bringing the European Commission’s climate goals closer to EU citizens and property owners - our participation at the International Union of Property Owners Renovation Tour series in Europe

October 8, 2021

Our researcher and former doctoral student, Souran Chatterjee was invited as a speaker at the UIPI Renovation Tour series of events in Europe on 17th September, which aims to bring the European Commission’s climate goals closer to EU citizens and property owners. 

Training on Assessment of Floods and Burned Areas - UN-SPIDER, ESA (RUS Copernicus) and the Systems Laboratory of the Department is organizing a 2-day remote training on Disaster Management

UN-SPIDER, ESA (RUS Copernicus) and the Systems Laboratory of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at CEU is organizing a 2-day remote training on Disaster Management 

The workshop will mark the start of the recently launched GEOHub, a research and training hub on geospatial technologies of the Open Society University Network (OSUN).


Measuring the Productivity Impacts of Energy-Efficiency: The Case of High Efficiency Buildings - article in Cleaner Production by Dr. Chatterjee and Prof. Ürge-Vorsatz

September 10, 2021

Dr. Souran Chatterjee and Prof. Ürge-Vorsatz have recently published their research (based on the doctoral research of Souran) on measuring health and productivity impacts of the high-efficiency buildings at the Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact factor 9.279).

The Urban Nature Atlas of the Naturvation project has become a standard recommended source for the EU research area

May 19, 2021

"With an eye toward sustainable development, CEU's NATURVATION (NATure based URban innoVATION) project has yielded the Urban Nature Atlas – a database of urban nature solutions across 100 European cities.