
Andrea Farsang, research fellow, co-authored a chapter in "The Global Challenge Of Encouraging Sustainable Living"

January 30, 2014

Andrea Farsang, research fellow, co-authored a chapter with Prof. Lucia A. Reisch in "The Global Challenge Of Encouraging Sustainable Living" 

Chapter title: Scenarios as Tools for Initiating Behaviour Change in Food Consumption Andrea Farsang and Lucia Reisch

Book Description:

Paper presented at the IST 2013 – 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions

September 24, 2013

Paper presented at the IST 2013 – 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, June 19-21, 2013, F1: Special Session - Citizens and Consumers & backcasting session, Thursday, 20/Jun/2013, 16:30-18:0`, organized by the Sustainability Transitions Research Network.

The program is available at

Andrea Farsang (PhD candidate) co-authored a paper presenting results of the envisioning process of the EU FP7 project CRISP at the International Conference on Sustainability Transitions

Prof. Alan Watt and PhD student, Andrea Farsang co-author “Environmental values in post-socialist Hungary: Is it useful to distinguish egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values?”

April 29, 2013

Prof. Alan Watt, head of department and Andrea Farsang, PhD student are co-authors of the article “Environmental values in post-socialist Hungary: Is it useful to distinguish egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values?” published in a special issue on “Environmental Values in Central and Eastern Europe: Perspectives from East and West” of the Czech Sociological Review.

De Groot, J.I.M., Steg, L., Farsang, A., Keizer, M. and Watt, A., 2012.

Department researchers publish book chapter on protected areas in the Middle East

May 2, 2012
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Prof. Brandon Anthony (faculty) and Diane Matar (PhD student) recently published their research findings on the management effectiveness of protected areas in Syria, Lebanon & Jordan. Based on a new set of global indicators, and within the IUCN-WCPA Framework, Brandon and Diane identify particular factors which contribute to the success of protected area management systems in the region, and offer recommendations for improvement.

CEU PhD student produces energy security assessment for the International Energy Agency

January 26, 2012
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Jessica Jewell, MESPOM Alumnus and CEU PhD student, helped the International Energy Agency (IEA) develop a novel MOdel of Short-term Energy Security (MOSES). MOSES is different from most of the existing energy security studies; it combines some 30 quantitative indicators in a transparent and policy-relevant way to describe different configurations of risk factors and resilience capacities.