PhD Program News

CEU seeks PhD candidates in the area of energy security studies

Central European University (CEU) welcomes applicants for a PhD position in the area of energy security and future energy systems. A successful candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Aleh Cherp to pursue the Doctor of Philosophy degree at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

Agnes Botos, PhD student, is co-author of a recently published article

November 5, 2012

Agnes Botos, PhD student, is a co-author of an article " Regulating Industrial Chemicals: Lessons for U.S. Lawmakers From the European Union’s REACH Program" that appears in the November issue of ELR’s News & Analysis.

Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, authors research article on economic tools for water management

October 12, 2012

Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, authors a research article entitled “The Move to Universal Water Metering and Volumetric Pricing in Armenia” to be presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction and the ASCE Construction Institute Summit, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, November 7–9, 2012 with the possibility of further publication at the Journal of Sustainable Cities and Societies by Elsevier.

Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, published a book on clean development mechanism

September 27, 2012

Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate, published a book “Closing the Decade of Kyoto”. With the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and in view of current negotiations on the second round of commitments, this book provides an analysis of the evolution of the clean development mechanism (CDM) framework, with its strengths and restrictions, and trends within the world’s carbon market infrastructure.

Mukesh Gupta, Ph.D. Student is teaching under Roma Access Program (RAP)

September 21, 2012

Mukesh Gupta, Ph.D. Student is teaching under Roma Access Program (RAP) to the students who want to apply for Master’s program in Environmental Sciences at the CEU/Western European/United States Universities at the end of the Academic Year 2012-2013. The Roma Access Program is a 9-month preparatory, non-degree program whose mission is to achieve the entrance of promising Roma youth into high quality international post-graduate programs in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.