PhD Program News

PhD Candidate, Amanda Winter Received Graduate Scholar Award

December 4, 2013

Amanda Winter, 2nd year PhD candidate received a Graduate Scholar Award at the Spaces and Flows’ Fourth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies held at the University of Amsterdam.

Mukesh Gupta, PhD Candidate published articles on Urban Times

August 30, 2013

Mukesh Gupta, PhD Candidate published articles on Urban Times


Mukesh Gupta, PhD Candidate recently published four articles on Urban Times, a leading online magazine. All the four articles relate to the growing importance of slum dwellers energy use, future of slums, and slum strategies in developing countries. The title and respective links are given below:


Why Slums Could Be The Key To Sustainable Urban Energy System Transformation


Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate conducted a seminar at the Caucasus Research Resource Center

July 1, 2013
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Naira Harutyunyan, PhD Candidate conducted a seminar entitled  “Water reforms and privatization impacts in Armenia” at the Caucasus Research Resource Center in Yerevan, Armenia (June 25, 2013). She presented the preliminary findings of her PhD research, examining the process of water sector reforms and transition from pubic to private provision of water services in Armenia and formulating measures for improving water resource management and policy making (for more details, please visit ).

Diane Matar wins Academic Achievement Award for First-Year Doctoral Students

February 4, 2013
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We are delighted that Diane Matar has won CEU's Academic Achievement Award for First-Year Doctoral Students.

"The CEU Academic Achievement Awards for First-Year Doctoral Students are meant to reward outstanding coursework and performance during the comprehensive exam. Annually there are 5-10 awards to be distributed. The awards amount to 500 EUR apiece."

Two doctoral candidates win the Award for Advanced Doctoral Studies

February 4, 2013

We are delighted to inform you that the award winners for the Advanced Doctoral studies award from our department are:

Johan Liliestam

Alina Szabo