The Youth Climate Summit – Reflections and Next Steps

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Nador u. 15
Thursday, September 26, 2019 - 5:30pm
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Thursday, September 26, 2019 - 5:30pm

The Youth Climate Summit 
– Reflections and Next Steps


Krisztina Zálnoky
Co-founder, Visegrad for Sustainability (V4SDG)

Introduction: Zoltan Illes, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences

26 September (Thursday), 2019 at 17:30
Budapest, Nádor utca 15, Rm. 103

Abstract: We have historic momentum. The Climate Action Summit will bring together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and international organizations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas: a global transition to renewable energy; sustainable and resilient infrastructures and cities; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; resilience and adaptation to climate impacts; and alignment of public and private finance with a net-zero economy. This time, 500 young activist, entrepreneurs, change-makers will join the Summit to showcase climate solutions and engage with global leaders on the defining issue of our time. Krisztina is one of the 100 Green Ticket holders who will be joining the Youth Climate Summit on 21 September in New York. In her seminar, she will share her personal experience of the Climate Action Summit. We will also discuss how young people can engage with decision-makers to advance sustainable development.

Presenter: Krisztina Zálnoky is a young sustainability advocate, a recent graduate of University College London with an MSc in Public Policy. She co-founded V4SDG - Visegrad for Sustainability, a youth-led organization aiming to foster sustainability in the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). Krisztina is also a member of the Editorial Board of the student-led International Public Policy Review at UCL and she is a Global Trainer at IDEAS Globally.

Central European University - Budapest V, Nador u. 9, Hungary
Contact: Krisztina Szabados (