Movie Screening: Complicit (2017) on the Week of Environmental Justice

Film Screening
CEU Community + Invited Guests
Nador u. 15
Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 6:00pm
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Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Complicit is a heart-breaking, eyes-opening and well-crafted documentary showcased at Verzio 2018. It follows the journey of Chinese factory migrant worker-turned-activist Yi Yeting, who takes his fight against some of the world’s largest electronic industry brands including Apple and Samsung from his hospital bed to the international stage. The movie is a wake-up call to anyone who has been dormant to the effect of our personal choices in other global corners, occupational diseases and exploitation of labor in China so far. 

Facebook event of the movie

Week of Environmental Justice

Co-organized by the Human RightS Initiative and Sustainable CEU a series of events: Focus on Electronics Production, Consumption and Disposal

What is environmental justice? 

The environmental justice movement is an ever-growing movement that in its simplest form highlights that vulnerable communities face a disproportionate burden of environmental problems. It focusses on issues such as health, access to safe drinking water, and housing that are at the heart of treaties and laws focused on human rights. Thus, at its core, environmental justice is about the intersection of human rights, the environment and sustainable development. Previously isolated areas are increasingly connected with distant places for ecosystem services, labor migration, tourism to name a few. To understand global sustainability through the lens of environmental justice is to understand the tradeoffs between local and global sustainability and the need for multi-level management and solutions. This requires different avenues of stakeholder engagement and awareness to possible linkages of the issues.  

25th February-8th March: Cellphones for Chimpanzees Campaign 

Nador 11, 13, 15  

HRSI in collaboration with the NGO Jane Goodall Institute invites you to an exhibition and used cellphone and electronics collection campaign that aims to reuse and recycle still valuable material from old electronics in order to help disrupt the demand for freshly mined material resources.  

We encourage you to place any used cell phones, tablets or laptop computers which you are willing to part ways with into collection bins located in the hallway between N11 and Nador 13. The items will be recycled or reused in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute’s Cellphones for Chimpanzees Campaign. Learn more about the campaign here. 

25th February-1st March: Exhibition:
Following the Senseless Trail: Tracing the Environmental and Human Rights Impacts of "Smart" Electronics

Nador 11-13 Passageway 

Have you upgraded your cellphone or purchased a new tablet or notebook lately? Have you ever wondered just what went into making these complex electronic devices which now dictate daily life? Join us for an exhibition which will help tell the story of the human rights and environmental consequences of electronics consumption, from material extract to disposal. Join us if you are curious to know more about the true costs of electronics usage, why your devices seem to become obsolete after a short time, and why it’s nearly impossible to fix devices on your own and the bigger picture impacts of mass electronics consumption.   

Facebook event of the Week of Environmental Justice