Air Quality: Successes and Challenges

Open to the Public
Nador u. 15
N15 104
Thursday, January 10, 2019 - 5:15pm
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Thursday, January 10, 2019 - 5:15pm to 7:15pm


Jan Karlik will outline the state of air quality knowledge and its relationship to policy development.  He will begin by discussing fundamental atmospheric processes, and then outline specific areas of atmospheric science with a view toward integration of science and policy, including urban air pollution, indoor air pollution, stratospheric ozone depletion, and climate change.  


Jan Karlik has been an agricultural and environmental scientist with University of California for more than 30 years, his office and laboratory located in the southern San Joaquin Valley.  That locale is advantageous because of the US$ 7 billion agricultural production in his home county as well as the significant air pollution problems of the Valley. He has been a principal investigator in a number of studies related to air quality in California, especially related to volatile organic compound emissions from green plants and development of emission inventories for California. These studies have informed development of California’s air quality policy.