Food Chains: Documentary Screening at CEU

Film Screening
Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
Monday, March 30, 2015 - 6:00pm
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Monday, March 30, 2015 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Are you interested in learning more about the social and environmental injustices within conventional food systems? 

In honor of the North American "National Farmworker Awareness Week" campaign, join us on Monday at 6:00pm for a screening of the documentary "Food Chains" which provides an insight into the harsh realities for farmworkers in the United States, and the role that large produce purchasers, such as fast food chains and supermarkets, play in leaving farmers and farmworkers in poverty while forcing them to work in subhuman conditions. The film documents the history of exploitation inherent within conventional food systems while also providing insight on the brave individuals responsible for establishing modern resistance and solidarity movements which attempt to fight back against the corporate actors who are currently in control of global food systems.

We plan to watch the film with any interested community members and local guests and following the documentary hold an open discussion regarding the content of the film, its relevance locally, and empowering solutions for liberating ourselves from socially and environmentally oppressive food systems.