Pulic Lecture by Eva Kras: Sustainable Development: an Alternative Approach

CEU Community + Invited Guests
Nador u. 11
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 5:00pm
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

The present modern Western Development model is in chaos, and many fear it is in fact broken. This lecture will examine the roots of this breakdown and propose an “Alternative Approach” to follow. Based on the wisdom of visionaries, both past and present, such as Einstein, Gandhi, Laszlo, Harman, and McGilchrist amongst others, the presenter will offer an alternative approach to our present development situation. This alternative approach involves the institution of a careful BALANCE between our present objective, quantitative approach to development, and a human, subjective, qualitative approach. This rebalancing of our development approach appears to affect every human behaviour and action, and thus forms an essential new foundational step in coming to grips with the present one sided objective, quantitative approach to all development.
