Earth Day Celebration

Social Events
Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
Please see program description for details
Friday, April 22, 2011 - 9:30am
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Friday, April 22, 2011 - 9:30am to 4:00pm

EarthDay was established by the United Nations as a day to broaden, diversify and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Over 77 million Acts of Greening have been registered already on the official website, which depicts acts of environmental action taking place all over the world. The Sustainable Campus Initiative (SCI), a group comprised of students, faculty and staff working toward environmental progress at CEU, has taken steps to ensure that Earth Day activities are extended to the Central European University Campus. Please join the SCI in celebrating Earth Day on April 22, 2011 and find out what CEU is doing to become more sustainable, and how you can contribute.

9:30-11am: Earth Day Breakfast

Fairtrade/organic coffee and breakfast in the Japanese Garden

Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower, Floor 2


12:30pm: Unveiling Ceremony

Official unveiling of ceremony of CEU's new Recycling stations, headed by Peter Johnson, Head of Student Services.


12:30pm-2pm: Earth Day Fair

Information on recycling, green lifestyle choices and more, including: an interactive workshop from representatives of Messzelátó Egyesület, information about vegan cooking, and Fairtrade coffee from Treehugger Dan's Bookstore & Cafe.

Nador u. 9, Laptop Area and Octagon

3pm: Sustainable Development at CEU

Presentations from students, faculty and staff about initiatives occurring at CEU, including:

Introduction - Liviu Matei, CEU's Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Progress of CEU's Development - Stuart Durrant, Head of Campus Redevelopment Office

Sustainable Development as a Task for the CEU Community- Tamara Steger, Head of Campus Sustainability Advisor Committee

Making CEU Greener, From the Bottom-up - Peter Kiryushin and Logan Strenchock, Sustainable Campus Initiative

Human Rights as a Part of Sustainable Development - Emily Ferrell, Human RightS Initiative

Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower, Auditorium