The Urban Nature Atlas of the Naturvation project has become a standard recommended source for the EU research area

May 19, 2021

"With an eye toward sustainable development, CEU's NATURVATION (NATure based URban innoVATION) project has yielded the Urban Nature Atlas – a database of urban nature solutions across 100 European cities. NATURVATION, an EU Horizon 2020 project, was conducted by CEU's Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy Professor László Pintér with researchers Dóra Almássy, Sara Maia Rocha, Attila Katona and Judit Boros.

For the Urban Nature Atlas, the NATURVATION team coordinated the development of a database to map the use and impact of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) in 100 European cities, as well as to characterize existing practice; support an evaluation framework for NBS assessment; and undertake an in-depth comparative case study analysis. Since the close of the project, recently updated data on NBS has been transferred to CEU's Urban Nature Atlas site at to carry forward the dynamic resource. The Urban Nature Atlas has also become a standard recommended source for the EU research area."

Link to full CEU article by Communications Office

