Student Conference: The Intersection of Crisis and Transition

December 12, 2019

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

What do 'Waste management systems in India', 'Development of renewable energy in Germany', 'Health & climate adaptation implications of heat-waves in France' and 'Sustainable clean cookstoves in Nicaragua' 'Transition to Low Carbon Development (LCDs) Pathways for Kenya' all have in common?

They are among the projects being presented by our master students on 13th December at the Annual Student Conference in CEU, Budapest, 
an integral part of the Fall Semester program.

The theme of this year's conference is “The Intersection of Crisis and Transition.” Crisis and transition appear at themes throughout the environmental discourse, and can even be thought of as sometimes being in opposition to each other, or at opposite ends of a spectrum. Crises are thought to be immediate and urgent, and sometimes brief in duration. From oil spills to the rapid loss of rainforest, crises draw out attention because they unfold in front of our eyes and many of their effects can be immediately seen and anticipated. Transitions are thought to occur more slowly, over longer periods of time, and without the drama of crises. Environmentalists have long grappled with the fact that crisis management alone cannot solve our environmental problems, even if crises take up a great deal of the attention that the public pays to an environmental issue. Transitions are required in order to create a more sustainable society and stable and acceptable environmental quality.

