Amanda Winter, PhD graduate in 2016

January 30, 2019
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Dr. Amanda Winter is a research fellow at the University of Nottingham where she leads the Policy and Governance theme of the interdisciplinary Leverhulme project ‘Sustaining Urban Habitats’. Her current comparative work explores the multilevel urban governance of environmental policies in Nottingham and Shanghai.

Her research interests include human geography, political ecology, critical urban theory, and urban environmental governance. Amanda’s doctoral work examined community contestations to green city action plans in Copenhagen and Vancouver, with a focus on how sustainable lifestyles, and sustainability more broadly, were constructed and employed in policy practice. This research contributed to critical debates on aspirations to develop ‘green’ citizens and ‘green’ cities. She actively publishes on her postdoctoral and doctoral research and presents at international conferences.

Amanda has admired Central European University’s dedication to an open society and enjoyed the international and interdisciplinary atmosphere of the university. As a student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Amanda received the training necessary to place concerns about the environment within broader debates about social justice and human rights. At CEU, Amanda taught in the OLIVE (Open Learning Initiative for Refugees Program), was a member of the ACT Just group, published in The Activist (CEU’s Human Rights Journal), and completed the Teaching in Higher Education Certificate program.