ISEPEI Brings Eye on Earth Summit to CEU

August 20, 2015

In October, environmental thought and action leaders worldwide will convene in Abu Dhabi for the Eye on Earth Summit 2015 to collectively address the global challenge of increasing access to information to support sustainable development and to tackle some of the world's most pressing environmental issues. As a lead up to this, CEU's Viktor Lagutov, assistant professor and head of the Environmental Systems Laboratory, has held executive education courses for the past two years on the theme "Bridging ICTs and Environment." This summer, participants took part in the courses "Making Information Talk and Technologies Work for Water Security" and "Innovations in Disaster Risk Management." at CEU's Summer University.

Decision-makers and environmental experts are faced with the constant challenge of maintaining access to and understanding new technologies and data, as information and communication technologies (ICTs) are constantly evolving and as more and more data are becoming available. Despite continually improving technologies, informed decision-making is being hindered by inadequate attention to enabling conditions, e.g. a lack of in-service education and professional training. Decision-makers are in a position to greatly benefit from this data revolution and to better shape management strategies and make more informed, data-driven decisions if they have a periodic overview of emerging technologies and their potential applications. 

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