Prof. Aleh Cherp co-authors a paper on the concept of energy security

January 23, 2015

Prof. Aleh Cherp co-authors a paper on the concept of energy security with Dr. Jewell of IIASA, an EPRG alumna. The paper can be freely retrieved at It argues that energy security should be conceptualized as an instance of security in general and that it can be defined as low vulnerability of vital energy systems which support critical social functions and can be drawn sectorally or geographically.  it conceptualizes vulnerability is a combination of exposure to risks and resilience capacities of energy systems. The paper provides illustrations from a series of global and international energy security assessments conducted by the authors including the Global Energy Assessment (, Low climate IMpact scenarios and the Implications of required Tight emission control Strategies and the IEA model of short-term energy security.

