CEU at the World Water Week in Stockholm

September 1, 2013

The Environmental Systems Laboratory (http://syslab.ceu.hu) represents CEU at the World Water Week (http://www.worldwaterweek.org) held in Stockholm on September 1-6, 2013. Throughout the this event week, participants will have the opportunity to engage with leaders from government, business, academia and members from nearly 250 convening organisations. The theme for this year's Week is “Water Cooperation: Building Partnerships”.

The Project delivered by Syslab is  entitled “Assessment of Land Use and Climate Change Impact on the Azov Sea Ecosystem”. It studies the Azov's regional water security and assess the watershed development scenarious through modeling of changes in the ecosystem goods and services provision.

 The Project is completed by the Syslab research team led by Viktor Lagutov and reported by Irina Gilfanova at the WWW Session "Bridging Land-Water-Ecosystem Divides" on September 3rd.

The research was carried out within the framework of the EU FP7 Project "EnviroGRIDS" Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development” (http://envirogrids.net).

Live broadcasting from the World Water Week is available at http://siwi-videohub.creo.tv.
