Summer school "Adaptive Thinking for Navigating the Anthropocene" (Budapest, June 25 - July 6, 2012)
The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy in cooperation with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, The Integrated Assessment Society, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, and with EC Tempus project "EnGo – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula", announce summer school "Adaptive Thinking for Navigating the Anthropocene" (Budapest, June 25 - July 6, 2012).
The summer school will combine a blend of theoretical and practical sessions focused on key aspects of adaptation and adaptive governance. Both natural and social science streams will be explored, with emphasis on multi- and trans-disciplinary perspectives and the demonstration of policy and management implications. To achieve this, we invited several leading scientists in the field from Europe but also beyond, renowned for their cross-disciplinary research. We will complement this with a selection of participants from different backgrounds and disciplines who have ongoing work in the field of on adaptation to global change. The program will provide rich opportunities to connect with local adaptation initiatives, including recently ended and ongoing adaptation projects at Hungary’s Lake Balaton.
The range of topics will include integrated vulnerability monitoring and assessment, resilience analysis, ecosystem services valuation, scenario building and analysis, adaptive policy development and management and institutional aspects of ecosystem adaptation.
More details are available from and the attached Summer School Description.