Second volume of Energy Efficiency special issue published

November 13, 2009
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In early November 2009, the second volume of "Energy Efficiency: How Far Does It Get Us In Controlling Climate Change?", the Energy Efficiency journal's Special Issue edited by 3CSEP director Diana Ürge-Vorsatz together with Bert Metz, has come out of press. The first part of this double-volume issue was already published in May 2009.

The Special Issue contains selected papers by leading scientists, who had all contributed to the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report as lead authors in Working Group III (Mitigation of Climate Change). While the first volume focused on the role of energy efficiency in climate change scenarios, sectoral assessment, and country case studies, the second one covers a range of issues that cut across sectors and geographic locations related to energy efficiency as a mitigation tool. These issues include governance, development pathways, indirect costs and benefits, transformative approaches, energy efficiency as an energy resource, the Kyoto Protocol’s flexibility mechanisms and the rebound effect, as well as case studies from Russia, China and British Columbia.

Besides the editorial by Diana Ürge-Vorsatz and Bert Metz, this volume also contains a fresh research paper by 3CSEP researchers Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Aleksandra Novikova, Sonja Köppel and Benigna Boza-Kiss on "Bottom–up assessment of potentials and costs of CO2 emission mitigation in the buildings sector: insights into the missing elements".

The publisher, Springer has made the complete issue available online free of charge.


