
H2020 SENTINEL project: a new energy modeling system that integrates the criteria of the transition to renewables

February 15, 2019
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The project proposal Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) with a major role for the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at CEU through Prof. Diana Urge-Vorsatz has been approved under the H2020 program of the EU.

Coordinated by ETH Zurich, according to the proposal SENTINEL promises to develop a fundamentally new energy modeling system that integrates the criteria of the transition to a renewables-based energy system from the ground up. 

New project on political feasibility of decarbonisation

December 20, 2018
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ENGAGE (Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions) project has just been awarded a major H2020 grant from the European Commission.

The project aims to develop a new generation of global climate-energy scenarios which avoid temperature overshoots and negative emissions and are selected for socio-political feasibility.

CEU's Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy is leading research on defining and evaluating political feasibility of climate-energy scenarios at the national and international level.

Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy awarded major EU research grant to promote urban sustainability and inclusivity

July 17, 2018

Project Title: Urban Arena for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions (URBANA)  

Summary:  UrbanA will support city-makers – including researchers, policymakers and practitioners – in transforming European cities into inclusive and sustainable urban and peri-urban environments to promote shared economic wealth creation, green amenities, and environmentally-centered interventions, together with urban equity and inclusion.

Experiential Learning through Internships

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A project on Experiential Learning was successfully completed at Syslab within the Environmental Practicum course. The project, called “Experiential Learning through Internships and (guided) Reflection”, was supported by the CEU Teaching Development Grant. Its goal was to introduce a more structured reflection scheme and refinement of the Practicum course as a whole.